Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wise Words

On Wednesdays I will share an image from my Inspiration Deck.  I loved taking part in this project and I hope you enjoy the messages on the cards as much as I do!

This Card Created By:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Both are me...
aspects of me.

Both give space to sides of myself
that are not always acknowledged
but need to be.

I can not ignore either.

When the sun
shines warmly against me,
 to one side of me
there is a 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Instant Inspiration Monday

Every Monday I will be inviting you to share an image that showcases your creativity.  Link up to your Blog or share URLs from Instagram, Photobucket and flickr.  Come by on Mondays and share with others here.  I look forward to seeing what has inspired your creativity, it will likely inspire mine too!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wise Words

On Wednesdays I will share an image from my Inspiration Deck.  I loved taking part in this project and I hope you enjoy the messages on the cards as much as I do!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Instant Inspiration Monday

Every Monday I will be inviting you to share an image that showcases your creativity.  Link up to your Blog or share URLs from Instagram, Photobucket and flickr.  Come by on Mondays and share with others here.  I look forward to seeing what has inspired your creativity, it will likely inspire mine too!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


There is a part of me that is needing attention.
It is asking to be seen,
to be acknowledged,
to be heard.

I give myself the space to sit with the feelings
and let the words 
find room on the page.

I feel lighter.

The feelings are not gone,
things are not fixed,
the work is not done,
yet something has shifted.

Something has been witnessed,
something has been freed,
has been seen.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Week-End Reflection: Mother's Day

Taking the time 
to enjoy an accomplishment.
My inner critic 
has a say in all of this apparently.
My words flow from me
to gently remind me of what is important.
This will be my focus
And this accomplishment I will enjoy.
Mother's Day 6k Run, Canmore Alberta


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wise Words

On Wednesdays I will share an image from the Inspiration Deck I received from Jess at In Search of Desert.  I loved taking part of this project and I hope you enjoy the messages on the cards as
much as I do!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Instant Inspiration Monday

Every Monday I will be inviting you to share an image that showcases your creativity.  Link up to your Blog or share URLs from Instagram, Photobucket and flickr.  Come by on Mondays and share with others here.  I look forward to seeing what has inspired your creativity, it will likely inspire mine too!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Week-End Reflection: Simplicity

is what I use
to nurture 
my creativity
when it needs a nudge
to continue moving 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Seeing Stars

It has been a long time since I have worked in my journal like this.  At first the blank space can seem so intimidating especially since I usually have no idea what I am about to create.  This time I found myself drawing a scene of a house and yard in much the same way I used to draw when I was a child.  I journaled right on top of my image and added the thoughts that were running through my mind at the time.  I try not to question the process and just let it flow.  Then I reached for my collage materials and allowed myself to glue down the images and words that jumped out at me.  Again, part of me would question the words and images, but I gave them the space and added them to my page.  I then added more writing and embellished the page a bit.  After I let the image "breathe", I stepped  away from it for awhile and then I came back to reflect on it.  It amazes me every time how all the elements speak to me even though when I made it, I did not know what it all meant.

My art gives my creative self a voice and this voice guides me with gentle nudges when working through my emotions. If I trust the process, the hidden meanings of my choices eventually reveal themselves to me, I just have to give them the space to do it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wise Words

On Wednesdays I will share an image from the Inspiration Deck I received from Jess at In Search of Desert.  I loved taking part of this project and I hope you enjoy the messages on the cards as
much as I do!

Created by:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Week-End Reflection: Connect

 This is how I found my workspace today...
thought of it as my art supplies beckoning me to use them 
knowing I feel more connected when I do art.
It is Spring and things have become busy
but I know spending time on myself and creating
requires my time as well.

How are you doing with keeping connected with your creative side
these days?  Are you feeling more inspired with the 
changing season or is outdoor life keeping you
away from your creations a little more?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wise Words

On Wednesdays I will share an image from the Inspiration Deck I received from Jess at In Search of Desert.  I loved taking part of this project and I hope you enjoy the messages on the cards as
much as I do!