Sunday, April 29, 2012
Instant Inspiration Monday
Every Monday I will be inviting you to share an image that showcases your creativity. Link up to your Blog or share URLs from Instagram, Photobucket and flickr. Come by on Mondays and share with others here. I look forward to seeing
what has inspired your creativity, it will likely inspire mine too!

Friday, April 27, 2012
Week-End Reflection: Focus
on your passions
on your dreams
on your future
on your journey
on your life
on yourself.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Instant Inspiration Monday
Every Monday I will be inviting you to share an image of something that
sparked your creativity or a project you are currently working on. When you see something that inspires you,
simply take a photograph of it and then come by on Mondays and share the
URL to your image here. You can link directly to your Blog or to such
programs as Instagram, Photobucket and flickr. I look forward to seeing
what has inspired you, it will likely inspire me too!
This image was inspired by the
little hand-written
note in the top right corner...I found it
in a library book.

Thursday, April 19, 2012
Week-End Reflection: Angel Mine
You eluded me
I doubted
You hid from me
I sought
You drew me in
I accepted
You appeared to me
I saw
Often it is in the process of making an image that the true magic lies.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Working Through Frustration
If you are like me, you probably find that you hold on to your frustration for a little too long and stew in it. I play things over in my head and think about the event that has gotten me frustrated and it can take me awhile to just let it go. Being inspired by the project "Journaling our (He)art Out" I sat with my frustration and did something a bit more proactive with it.
I began by writing out in words what was eating away at me. This alone was therapeutic and by the end of the page I noticed I had started to write things that were more positive. I took it further though and covered up my words in pink (for me, the colour pink usually speaks to my vulnerability in my artwork). I chose to leave the words somewhat visible though and reflecting on that I guess that for me it conveys that I am not forgetting the issue but working on it. Then before I knew it I had created boxes all over the page and I kept letting my creativity lead and the next thing I was doing was adding the figures (inspired by Leah Piken). Reflecting on the image now they represent different perspectives that I could choose to use to look into my frustration.
The last elements I added were the words "FORGIVE" and "ACCEPT". I wasn't quite there yet, but I was a step closer to it after doing this piece.
Lastly I found myself decorating the page more and honestly not feeling the frustration as intensely as when I had started. I had given it a voice, worked through it and let it go. Much better than holding it and stewing over it don't you think?
This is how art can work as therapy :)
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Instant Inspiration Monday
Every Monday I will be inviting you to share an image of something that
sparked your creativity or a project you are currently working on. When you see something that inspires you,
simply take a photograph of it and then come by on Mondays and share the
URL to your image here. You can link directly to your Blog or to such
programs as Instagram, Photobucket and flickr. I look forward to seeing
what has inspired you, it will likely inspire me too!
Following a wooden path in the woods...the metaphors are endless for me.

Friday, April 13, 2012
Week-End Reflection: Messages
Enjoying looking inwards
on journeys within.
Accepting my creative processes
and seeing where they lead me.
My discoveries have messages
revealing part of myself
for me
to discover.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Find The Time
Enjoy the process;
allow yourself to be in the moment
and create.
If you allow them to,
things will seem to magically appear,
celebrate them!
This is a little piece I created as a new front cover to one of my smaller art journals. I wanted to make it a bit more inspiring since it will be a little place I come to create. Lately I've really tried to just go with things and not over think them or plan them out too much. I've been collecting things I've stumbled upon that have great visual material in them to help get me started. My local library has been a great source (no, I'm not cutting up their books), well I guess I am, but they are the ones they are selling for $1 and are no longer in circulation. Some are great simply because they are old and I love the smell of the paper and others have quirky images riddled throughout that are fun to cut out and use for doing collage work.
I've also been inspired by some beautiful altered books as journals. Here is a recent example I read up on that was posted on Katarina Thorsen's Blog, how inspiring is that? I found a great sized book on Beethoven that has wonderful images in it that I think I will explore as an altered book. Every page seems to have little gems on it that I could use to get inspired and some pages I will probably Gesso right over and cover them with my own images. I'll keep you posted on how that project goes!
I've also been inspired by some beautiful altered books as journals. Here is a recent example I read up on that was posted on Katarina Thorsen's Blog, how inspiring is that? I found a great sized book on Beethoven that has wonderful images in it that I think I will explore as an altered book. Every page seems to have little gems on it that I could use to get inspired and some pages I will probably Gesso right over and cover them with my own images. I'll keep you posted on how that project goes!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Journaling my (He)art Out
Here is my latest project completed in "21 Secrets" called "Journaling your (He)art Out" with Nolwenn Petitbois. This is a fantastic project to work through negative feeling towards yourself or your art and then shift the focus onto the positive aspects in your life. Under the image of my hand I had handwritten my negative thoughts and filled that side of the page. Then I covered up the words with a nice coat of Gesso and then to that I added my layers of paint and collage. On a separate piece of paper I wrote down twenty lovely positive thoughts about myself and my life. With scissors in hand, I cut them up and pasted them down within my heart shape. It was great to see my heart filling up with love from myself and literally overflowing since not all my positive words fit! A fantastic therapeutic project that would work wonderfully when working with clients within an Art Therapy setting. I'll be adding it to my tool box!

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Instant Inspiration Monday
Every Monday I will be inviting you to share an image of something that
sparked your creativity. When you see something that inspires you,
simply take a photograph of it and then come by on Mondays and share the
URL to your image here. You can link directly to your Blog or to such
programs as Instagram, Photobucket and flickr. I look forward to seeing
what has inspired you, it will likely inspire me too!

Tag...I'm it!
Gretchen, from one of my favourite creative Blogs, has chosen me to participate in a game of blog
tag with some creative and fun questions to answer! I'm thrilled to be tagged and to play along, thanks Gretchen!
Here are the rules I’ve received to explain the game:
- You must post the rules
- Answer 11 questions the tagger posted for you
- Create 11 questions to ask the people you tag
- Tag 11 people
- Let them know you’ve tagged them
Here are the questions Gretchen asked me followed by my answers:
- What is your most favorite art material or media to use in your personal art-making? In my Art Therapy art I love to use collage and photography...in my other art, I like acrylic paints.
- Favorite source for creative inspiration? People in my life who are living their life creatively...this inspires me so much!
- Any tips for making the time to focus on your creative practice? Scheduling time is great but try to jump on any opportunity to do something creative, I may be something really quick but sometimes you get little gems when you act on your creative impulse when it comes.
- What artsy project are you working on right now? "21 Secrets"...an art journaling workshop.
- Is there a particular art material, technique, or process you would like to learn more about or spend more time with? I love the layering look of art journals...I'm hoping to learn more about how to attain this look in the workshops I am taking part of.
- Biggest creative challenge you’ve experienced? Being a mom..."me time" is a little more sparse, but I'm working on that :)
- What does creativity mean to you? Allowing myself to be in the moment and letting whatever ideas are coming to me take shape.
- Favorite art related book you’ve read? "The Courage to Create" by Rollo May
- Do you prefer to create alone or with others? Alone, most of the time.
- What role has social media and networking played in your creative practice? It's been huge! I am blown away at how much is being shared; the opportunities to be inspired are really endless!
- Finish this sentence: ”To create is to honor yourself_.’
I'm tagging these wonderful blogs I follow for regular doses of inspiration and creativity:
- My Art Collage =>http://nancylefko.blogspot.ca/
- Creative Every Day =>http://creativeeveryday.com/
- Dirty Footprints Studio => http://www.dirtyfootprints-studio.com/
- Drawing The Self Out => http://www.arttherapist.ca/
- Drayda Journals => http://dryadajournals.blogspot.ca/
- Katarina Thorsen Art Blog => http://katthorsen.wordpress.com/
- In Search of Desert => http://www.insearchofdessert.com/
- Art Journaling as a Creative Process => http://artjournaling.blogspot.ca/
- Interaction Art Project => http://interactionproject.blogspot.ca/
- Speak Art Loud => http://speakartloud.wordpress.com/
- Daisy Yellow => http://daisyyellow.squarespace.com/
And here are my questions for the inspiring Bloggers I have tagged:
- How do you usually express yourself creatively?
- What do you draw upon for inspiration?
- How did you express yourself creatively as a child?
- What is your favourite way to keep track of your creative ideas?
- How do others in your life nurture your creativity?
- Do you listen to music while you create? If yes, what kind?
- What art medium do you find the most challenging to work with?
- What would your ideal creative space have in it?
- How do you think others would describe your creative style?
- If you walk into an art supply store...what are you most likely to walk out with?
- When is your inner critic most likely to act up in your creative process?
I’ll use the same disclaimer Gretchen gave me for those I have tagged:
There is no obligation to play along, so please don’t feel pressured
because I tagged you (especially those of you that I know have been
tagged already). I just love your blogs so I wanted others to see
them too! :)
Friday, April 6, 2012
A Creative Kick In the Pants...
Sssssshhhhhhhhhhh...I have decided to participate in a creative community called "21 Secrets" at Dirty Footprints Studio. I only joined yesterday and I must say I'm blown away at how well the workshops are set up. I have a year to meander through all the material and plot my own creative journey through art journaling...sigh..how wonderful does that sound? I plan on sharing my discoveries on here as I explore the courses, I hope you'll keep an eye on me, it helps to keep me motivated!
I am challenging myself to lead as much as a creative life as I can since I feel that part of me has been tucked aside for too long. I have had some creative opportunities, but making it a focus has not been the case. I believe as an art therapist I have a responsibility to create and reflect. It keeps me focused and allows me to explore my own emotions.
This piece is part of the "Word Play" workshop by Christine Mason Miller and this lesson was called "Let the Words Lead You". It is a simple exercise that gently guides you over the page and leads you through a creative process. I will be using this technique again and believe it would be fantastic to do with clients. I would give you more info on the workshop but remember...sshhhhh...they are secrets! You should go check them out :)
P.S. Here is how it reads...
"Hey, nurture your creativity today! To me, see it as a gift, to you. The young man, yes, he is watching and this is a vital link to his creativity. Your sudden creative flow is an unconditional admiration for inspiration and gratification in art".

Week-End Reflection - Create
As I look back on this week
I am grateful for the
quick opportunities I found
to create.
It can be so simple yet
so nurturing.
What opportunities have you found
lately to nurture your creativity?
What opportunities have you found
lately to nurture your creativity?
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Exploring Anger
Acknowledging a part of myself
who felt small
Reflecting on the memories
and seeing them
created in art
is healing.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
A Conversation...
Have you ever tried dialoguing with one of your images? It can help in exploring your art even further. The way I like to do it is to spontaneously create some art and then sit with it a bit and then I allow myself to be open and I write whatever comes to my mind. I usually write down the words right on top of my images so it becomes part of the art. I use this process often in my art journal and I enjoy reviewing my work and reading the messages I wrote. I gives me more to reflect upon and creates a deeper snapshot of where I was emotionally when I created the art.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Instant Inspiration Monday
This week I chose to share a photograph of a drawing
my son created on his chalkboard. I love how he
filled the space and worked away at his drawing
with so much confidence...inspiring!
What inspired you this week? Link the URL to your photograph bellow or you can also
share on Twitter @arttherapy123 #instantinspiration!

Instant Inspiration
Welcome to my "Instant Inspiration" post idea. Every Monday I will be inviting you to share an image of something that sparked your creativity. When you see something that inspires you, simply take a photograph of it and then come by on Mondays and share the URL to your image here. You can link directly to your Blog or to such programs as Instagram, Photobucket and flickr. I look forward to seeing what has inspired you, it will likely inspire me too!
The first post will start on April 2nd.
Feel free to grab a Blog Button bellow,
The first post will start on April 2nd.
Feel free to grab a Blog Button bellow,

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